Welcome ! This is an informational carrd that aims to provide a better understanding of transautism. Every new information on this phenomenon will be gradually added on this micro site.

What is a transautistic individual ?

It refers to someone who want to acquire autism/a form of autism. it can also be used to describe someone who feels they should acquire autism. Transautistic people are not necessarily allistics they can be autistic individuals who want another form of autism.


Autimed/autimedicalist: a term that describes someone who believes that autism should be considered as a disorder.

Autipassing: refers to pass as autistic.

Autiphobia/autimisia: terms that describe any form of hostility, discrimination or negativity towards autism and/or autistic people.

Becautistic: someone who was initially allistic and became autistic voluntarily or involuntarily.

Brain plasticity (neuroplasticity, cerebral or neuronal plasticity): refers to the brain's ability to modify the organization of its neural networks according to the experiences it undergoes.

Cisautistic: a term reffering to those who don't want to acquire autism/another form of autism.

Cognitive liberty, or the "right to mental self-determination", is the freedom of an individual to control their own mental processes, cognition, and consciousness. Cognitive liberty is not a recognized right in any international human rights treaties, but has gained a limited level of recognition in the United States, and is argued to be the principle underlying a number of recognized rights.

Medpunk/ medical punk: a political project/movement aiming to revolutionize the health system/medical institution by medically allowing individuals to acquire physical/mental disabilities, ''disorders'', ''diseases'' etc. Medpunk is closely linked to morphological freedom and cognitive liberty.

Neuro dysphoria: experiencing a distress, an unease resulting from the mismatch between your neurotype and the neurotype you feel you should acquire.

Neurotechnologies: technologies aimed at modifying the functioning of the brain as well as those that allow researchers and clinicians to visualize the brain.

Neurosurgery: is a surgical discipline that specializes in surgery of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The specialized surgeon practicing neurosurgery is called a neurosurgeon.

Neurolaw is a field of interdisciplinary study that explores the effects of discoveries in neuroscience on legal rules and standards.

Saninormativity: ¹a system that sets mental and physical norms and considers them as constituting good health.

² A normative system of thoughts, behaviors, representations and discriminations favoring physical and mental states considered to be non-diseased.

Transautiphobia/ transautimisia :
Terms describing any form of hostility, discrimination or negativity towards transautism and/or transautistic individuals.

"You can't change neurology !!"

You have to be very ignorant to say such a huge bullshit. Why that's false:

The brain is a dynamic system in perpetual reconfiguration, it's endowed with neuroplasticity, term describing the capacity of the brain to remodel its connections according to the environment and the experiences lived by the individual.
The brain is thus described as "plastic" or "malleable". This phenomenon occurs during embryonic development, childhood, adult life and ''pathological'' conditions (injuries and ''diseases''). It is responsible for the diversity of the fine organization of the brain among individuals and for the mechanisms of learning and memory in children and adults. Thus, neuronal plasticity is present throughout life, with a peak of efficiency during development following learning, then still possible but less strongly in adults. It operates with experience, in learning for example, which will reinforce networks and connections, but also during lesions on the body or directly in the brain.

In addition to neuroplasticity, the brain can be modified thanks to neurotechnologies which it encompasses any method or device in which electronics interface with the nervous system to monitor or modulate neural activity. Some examples of neurotechnologies include deep brain stimulation, optogenetics, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and brain–computer interfaces, such as cochlear implants.

lll)Psychotropic drugs are chemical substances that changes nervous system function and results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior.

So claiming that your neurology is immutable is an anti-scientific lie. Your neurology is constantly shaped by your experiences.